Mid-Metro Academy Tuition and Fees

Best Value for Your Education Dollar
At Mid-Metro Academy, your student will learn from qualified professional teachers in a supportive, engaging, Christian environment. You choose from a wide variety of classes and instructors to meet the needs of your student and your homeschool--with no interference from unwanted social agendas.
Private school tuition in the Twin Cities ranges from $12,000 to $35,000 per year or more for students in junior high or high school. In contrast, our tuition and fees are very reasonable. Your student can take a full load of classes at MMA and attend two days per week for less than $3,500.
Community ed classes and other venues for a la carte classes charge between $13/hour to $30/hour, depending on the class. At MMA, for most of our one-semester courses you get 22.5 hours of instruction by a professional teacher in a Christian environment for about $11/hour. Classes that equate to lessons (swing dancing, guitar) are competitively priced with group lessons available elsewhere. We're pleased to be able to offer such value to our families.
Family Fees
Membership Fee: The annual membership non-refundable fee of $75 must be paid when you join and before you can register for classes. If you join at mid-year, this fee can be pro-rated. Email [email protected] to request this consideration.
Building Fee: The annual building fee (also non-refundable) of $50 must be paid when you join and before you can register for classes. This fee helps defray building expenses like room set-up, WiFi, and snow removal. This fee will be pro-rated for mid-year memberships.
Volunteer Hours: Mid-Metro Academy does not require families to volunteer; we are a true drop-off program. However, we welcome parent involvement. If you'd like to serve at a special event or want to meet a need, contact [email protected].
Tuition and Course Fees
Tuition: Each teacher determines the tuition for each class, and you pay the teacher directly via PayPal or credit card when you register. In general, class tuition ranges from $230 to $285 per semester for academic and enrichment classes. Lessons (group guitar lesson, swing dancing lessons, etc.) are priced competitively with lessons you can access elsewhere.
Additional Costs: Often the costs for handouts and other materials are included in the tuition, but teachers may add supply fees if desired. Certain classes require you to purchase textbooks and/or supplies on your own. Some technology classes require students to take a pre-class orientation workshop as a prerequisite. See the course description of each class for details about additional costs.
Design Your Ideal High School Experience
At Mid-Metro Academy, you can design and plan an ideal junior high or high school experience for your student. The tuition and fees are an investment in your student’s education that will pay long-term dividends. We’re pleased to support your homeschooling goals by connecting you with teachers and classes that are right for your student.